Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to form in the human jaw. These can sometimes cause discomfort leading to several dental issues. An awareness of the stages involved in wisdom tooth development can better prepare Richmond, VA residents for and help address these predicaments. This article explains the stages of your respective wisdom teeth and how to manage them all as explained by the dentist in Richmond, VA.
The Early Development (Ages 10-14)
Wisdom teeth start developing between the ages of 10 and 14 as permanent teeth in the jawbone during the early developmental stage. At this point, they are still under the gum line and not visible in the mouth. Tooth buds form and move inside the bone. At this stage, most people show no signs or symptoms because the teeth are still well in their jawbone and do not affect nearby tissues.
Initial Eruption (Ages 15-18)
Wisdom teeth inch up just under the gums as teens reach late adolescence. This stage, referred to as initial eruption, usually comes with mild discomfort. The crowns of the teeth begin to break the gums line, with some mild swelling or tenderness in the back of the mouth. It also is common to see some swelling, as the teeth are coming through. In Richmond, VA, dentists will typically use this time to determine if there is enough space for these teeth to come in correctly to prevent problems down the road.
Partial Eruption (Ages 18-24)
In early adulthood, wisdom teeth have erupted, and are becoming more prominent within the mouth but are not always fully erupted. The partial eruption stage is generally characterized by heightened discomfort and possible swelling. Discomfort may increase when the teeth break through the gums, and if there isn’t enough space for them to develop properly, they are more likely to become impacted. A partially erupted tooth can also facilitate an infection of the gums around the tooth, known as pericoronitis. During these periods, it is critical to attend regular oral exams to check progress and address symptoms.
Full Eruption/Impaction (Ages 24+)
By one’s mid-twenties, wisdom teeth are often fully erupted — if they haven’t been impacted. For some people, wisdom teeth grow in fully without problems, perfectly lined up with the other teeth. Often, these teeth become impacted, meaning they grow partially or not at all, which can lead to crowding, decay, and cysts. Impacted wisdom teeth can exert pressure on neighboring molars, causing the teeth to misalign and making it more difficult to thoroughly clean your mouth.
Richmond, VA Wisdom Tooth Development Management
Since wisdom teeth normally grow beneath the gums, it can be difficult to examine their position, development, and overall state without X-rays. And you can prevent infections and decay with good home care and professional cleanings. In their twentysomethings, when wisdom teeth can cause real issues, many will recommend extracting them. It is a common procedure that helps to prevent future problems and maintain good oral health.
The stages of wisdom tooth development are important for those in Richmond, VA to consider when evaluating whether or not to proactively remove them. Ensuring the healthy growth of wisdom teeth necessitates consistent dental appointments, diligent daily oral hygiene, and once more professional advice. From gum pain and infection to jaw pain and the absence of dental care, if wisdom teeth are uncomfortable or symptomatic, talk to your local dentist about the best way to care for and treat them. Being updated and alert on the issues can help you be sure that your oral hygiene is well and good and close any pain before it arises.