There are growing concerns surrounding the little league and its decision-makers. Little League International recently announced that it is mandating criminal background checks for all volunteer coaches. In addition, it is implementing new eligibility requirements for players as well as new rules to help with gameplay.
The new rules are expected to come in the coming weeks. For one, local leagues can mandate batters to place a foot in the batter’s box in the regular seasons. Also, intentional walks can be carried out by announcing such decisions to the umpire instead of throwing four balls. On the other hand, umpires can eject a manager or player if they determine either the player or manager is stealing signs.
In order to ensure the safety of players as well as ensure integrity, leagues across the country will be required to carry out background checks and criminal records for coaches and everyone that takes part in running the teams.
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“No local league will allow any person with a criminal record against a minor(s) be it in the form of a conviction, admission to crime, no contest plea, or guilty plea,” Little League said in a statement sent to various leagues.
Also, Little League is altering its eligibility rules 24 months after a residency turmoil led to Chicago-based Jackie Robinson West losing its national title. The new requirements also mandate the removal of the report card as proof of residence. Its replacement will be a school enrollment form and documents from each of three residency categories.
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Although report cards are no longer requirements for proof of residence, Little League can use 17 other accepted documents as proof of residency. These documents include a school enrollment form, birth certificate, and so on.
The Little League has stated on its website the various documents and categories they fall into. Players are required to have one from each category and to ensure forms are from multiple origins.
In the case of Jackie Robinson West, the Little League mentioned that while the necessary documents and boundary map correctly showed the league boundaries, only five players from the team actually lived in those boundaries. According to court documents, the Maps submitted by Jackie Robinson West showed that all players lived within the boundaries.
According to court filings, Little League mentioned that as accusations of impropriety surfaced following the team’s success, a district administrator and team director had a meeting with officials from the leagues in an attempt to come to an agreement regarding boundary changes, so players would not be affected.
In the end, the team’s district, Illinois District 4, was disbanded, with its six teams sent to other districts.
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